YDS Deneme Sınavı-2


Joseph Henry, manyetik bir alanda bir çarkın dönmesi elektrik üretebileceği gibi, elektriğin de bir çarkı döndürebileceğini gösterdi.

Correct! Wrong!

İzafiyet kuramının ortaya koyduğu bir diğer önemli gerçek, kütlenin enerjiye dönüşebilmesidir.

Correct! Wrong!

Yerkürenin iç yapısı, depremlerin veya büyük patlamaların neden olduğu şok dalgalar kullanılarak araştırılabilir.

Correct! Wrong!

Uzun vadede, doğal afetlerin hiçbiri ülke için orman yangınları kadar zararlı değildir.

Correct! Wrong!

Galaksinin bir başka önemli özelliği de zayıf fakat son derece yaygın bir manyetik alana sahip olmasıdır.

Correct! Wrong!

Robert Boyle, who was a leading English scientist in the seventeenth century, had a great influence on the development of science in Europe.

Correct! Wrong!

One reason why supercomputers can achieve such high speeds is that they can do several calculations simultaneously.

Correct! Wrong!

Crop yields per acre are declining in some parts of the world because of air pollution as well as the build up of salt and other chemicals.

Correct! Wrong!

Plutonium is also produced in all nuclear reactors fuelled by uranium, including those built for generating electric power.

Correct! Wrong!

The geometry of the straight line and the circle goes back to the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians, but it was only with the ancient Greeks that geometry was developed as a logically organised field of study.

Correct! Wrong!

While the Captain was working on that film about underwater life, ---- .

Correct! Wrong!

---- even though it was obviously very limited in scope.

Correct! Wrong!

---- that the sun had not illuminated the earth for more than one hundred to five hundred million years.

Correct! Wrong!

---- which expands when heated.

Correct! Wrong!

Since the buildings on the north side had been well-constructed, ---- .

Correct! Wrong!

If energy could be produced efficiently by clean methods, ---- .

Correct! Wrong!

They consulted several geologists ---- .

Correct! Wrong!

---- , the annual rainfall has a profound influence on the success or failure of agriculture.

Correct! Wrong!

Recently scientists have been working on substitutes for fossil fuels ---- .

Correct! Wrong!

---- , they still haven’t chosen the team of engineers.

Correct! Wrong!

Yds Deneme Sınavı-2

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